I'm in the process of going through our build system snapshots, but I am not having any luck locating vfw.h anywhere. This leads me to believe that vfw.h used to be a system header, but no longer is on RHEL 4.8. My source including vfw.h has not been modified for four years, we have not included vfw.h in our revision control system. However, I find it odd that the header files, and supporting libraries, would simply be gone due to normal system maintenance.
I realize that video for windows has long been deprecated by Microsoft, and expecting it to be supported in Linux is kind of crazy. Include/avi.h:9:17: vfw.h: No such file or directory
Has RHEL finally fully deprecated this? This used to compile like a month or two ago. My application compiles fine on Windows, but on RHEL 4.8 it does not, even though it used to like a month ago. Unfortunately, I am not able to remove this deprecated video encoding mechanism at this time. I maintain an application which relies on vfw.